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5 Social Media Tips to Engage with Your Audience

Barney Style Media Team

We live in a world that relies on Social Media to influence, entertain, inform, or just to connect. People are constantly checking their Social Media Platforms for the newest and greatest thing. So the question is how do you, as a business, make sure what you post reaches your audience and gets them engaged?

Honestly, there is no one Social Media app better than the other. Contrary to what people will tell you. They are all good in their own way as long as you know how to use them, effectively. How do you figure out which one works best for you? Answer: Do your research and try them out. Company A may find that using Twitter reaches their audience more than Facebook posts. Company B finds that using Facebook is better for engaging their customer base. Find out what works for you.

When you are sampling the various Social Media apps here are few tips you can use to help you reach your audience no matter what platform you are using.

1. Make Your Audience Feel They Matter to You

Reply to comments, questions, or concerns using the commenters name.

Example: @JaneDoe thanks for your comment. I'm glad to see you are enjoying the products you purchased.

Research their question or concern and respond accordingly. Customers like to know you are listening to them and their questions and/or concerns are being addressed. If you don't know the answer right then that's okay to say you'll get back to them with an answer.

Example: @JohnDoe thanks for the question. I don't have they answer at this time but I'll research it and get back to you.

Try not to respond with YES or NO answers. Understand you will have yes or no questions but this is your opportunity to plug in key messaging or phrases about your business or an event that is happening. Provide them with a little more information. Try to analyze what they are looking for and point them in the right direction.

2. Bring Life to Your Posts with Something Visual

When posting content to your Social Media platforms look for ways to incorporate photos, graphics, or even emoticons. Just like a book, people will look at a photo or graphic before they will actually read the post.

Adding a visual aspect to your post is appealing, it draws the reader in. By doing this you should see an increase in your reach. However, there are times when adding a visual component is a swing and a miss. It's all trial and error. Find out what works for you.

The visual components of your Social Media post should merry up with the text. Coke wouldn't post a picture of someone drinking a Coke Classic while their post mention Coke Zero. Just make sure that the visuals match up with messaging.

3. Create Polls and Surveys

This is a great way to find out what your audience is interested in. Surveys and polls can help you develop a new Social Media and Marketing plan. It can help you create fresh and original content for your audience.

It could also be a way to gauge how your company is doing. Asking those hard questions can help steer you in the right direction. Be prepared for some negative feedback. It's part of the learning and growing process.

Gear polls and surveys that fit your company. The last thing you want to do is create a poll that has no impact on your company and audience.

Example: Don't create a poll for a new clothing line if you're a catering company.

Example: Don't create a poll asking your audience if they think McDonalds is better than Hardees, or Carls Junior depending on where you at, if you're trying to promote your restaurant.

4. Post Often

Creating a Social Media campaign for your business is very beneficial, but that doesn't mean you have to do it. Posting regularly will help keep audience engaged and coming back for more.

Posting fresh content let's the audience know you are active and committed to giving them content. However, make sure the content is following a path. You don't want a bunch of random posts that doesn't tie to anything.

Posting times is crucial for any business or influencer. Know your audience. Post during the times you know they are active. If you live in a small town then you don't want to post things late at night unless you are drinking establishment who's hours of operations tend to be at night. Again, know your audience.

5. Don't Be Afraid to Talk About the Latest Issues

We live in a society that lives and dies by Social Media. Know your stance on topics and be prepared to defend them. Have evidence to back up your statements. Avoid involving your personal opinions into very sensitive subjects.

We live in a COVID-19 society right now and a lot of businesses are feeling the effect of it. Let your audience know where you stand in regards to mask mandates, vaccine mandates, etc. It's all about keeping the audience informed.

Make sure you have Communication Plan in place to talk about your stance. Having an effective Communications Plan could save you a lot of headaches.

There you go, five simple tips to get engaged with your audience. Try not to overthink them. Start the conversation and always remember once you post it's out there. Don't be afraid to try different things and if you need help Barney Style Media is here to provide Simple and Reliable Public Relations Solutions.

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